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​​​​​​​​​​Transfer of Wealth Study:
The Center for Rural Entrepreneurship has been contracted to provide a Transfer of Wealth Opportunity Analysis for Rural Maryland. 

The Rural Maryland Foundation met recently to discuss the Transfer of Wealth. Some of the Rural Maryland Foundation Board Members have recently attended a conference call with staff from Towson University and the University of Pennsylvania to discuss coming up with an elevator speech to present to people about what Transfer of Wealth means and how important it is. They are meeting regularly and hope to connect with other universities. The foundation board has discussed including agriculture learning for students into Transfer of Wealth.  In 2022, a special meeting was held for Transfer of Wealth and our guest speaker was Ms. Maggie Gunther Osborne, Maryland Philanthropy Network. View a recording of the meeting here

Download the final strategy report here: Rural Maryland Philanthropic Development Strategy Report 

​Download the final report here: Maryland Transfer of Wealth (TOW) Study Report 

Additional Resources: 

For any questions about the Transfer of Wealth Study, or to become involved, please contact Charlotte Davis at 410.841.5774 or